
CircuitGizmos sells the SEM, 37 Sensors, Maximites, Micromites, MP3 modules, and other devices that can be used with the SEM.

Please see the CircuitGizmos site for the products pictured below.


If you have more information about certain modules, please feel free to Contact us! and share what you know. If you also have test or application code to share, that link is the way to share that - we would appreciate your experiences and input a lot!

If you are interested in purchasing the unique devices that are shown on these pages,
CircuitGizmos (link: CircuitGizmosOnline) sells many of these devices. Also Tindie has several of the CircuitGizmos devices for sale.

If you have questions about sensor modules like these, consider joining the Facebook group.
Join the 37 Sensors FB Group! We'd love to see you there. If you are interested in the CircuitGizmos products, the FB page to join is CircuitGizmos on FB

Sometimes the 37 sensor projects are described as
Instructables. This is the Instructable user to follow: Indestructable and YouTube channel and even follow on Instagram. Link back to us, please! We really like learning how our products are used.

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