Image: RGB LED module, through-hole (150 ohm current limiting resistors)

Image: RGB LED module, surface mount 5050 Note that there are no current limiting resistors on this module.


LED containing red, green, and blue emitters, each controlled independently. Some modules have current limiting resistors, some do not.

Also called: full color LED, three color LED, tri-chromatic LED, KY021, KY016.

Found in kits: 37 sensors, 45 sensors (through-hole LED).

Found in kits: 20 sensors, 37 sensors, 45 sensors (SMT LED).


• LED: Either TH (5mm) or SMT 5050
• Current: under 20mA typical per LED
• Forward voltage drop red: 2.1V
• Forward voltage drop green: 3.2V
• Forward voltage drop blue: 3.2
• Red: 625nm
• Green: 530nm
• Blue: 465nm
• Size: 20mm X 15mm

Some modules have current limiting resistors, some do not. The typical resistance value is 120 – 330 Ohms. The three LED dice internal to the package are common cathode.

Pins are frequently labeled incorrectly. RGB, BGR, GRB, etc.

There are a number of different sources for these modules. Not every module that looks similar to the ones here behaves exactly the same. Check the specific module that you have for differences in function, voltage levels, pinout, and inactive/active states. Some modules have been found to have incorrectly labeled pins and even poorly soldered components.

Module Pin-out:

Image: Typical/common pinout. Always check the pinout for the module that you have.

If you have more information about certain modules, please feel free to Contact us! and share what you know. If you also have test or application code to share, that link is the way to share that - we would appreciate your experiences and input a lot!

If you are interested in purchasing the unique devices that are shown on these pages, CircuitGizmos (link: CircuitGizmosOnline) sells many of these devices. Also Tindie has several of the CircuitGizmos devices for sale.

If you have questions about sensor modules like these, consider joining the Facebook group. Join the 37 Sensors FB Group! We'd love to see you there. If you are interested in the CircuitGizmos products, the FB page to join is CircuitGizmos on FB

Sometimes the 37 sensor projects are described as Instructables. This is the Instructable user to follow: Indestructable and YouTube channel and even follow on Instagram. Link back to us, please! We really like learning how our products are used.

Sensor.Engine:MICRO RGB module test

This test is set up with a Sensor.Engine MICRO, the module (through-hole LED), and some jumper wires place on a solderless breadboard. The code is downloaded to the S.E.M. from a PC.

This test blinks the red, green, and blue elements of the RGB LED.

Image: Wiring the RGB LED to a SEM.

Black wire – Common ground, SEM GND - Module Ground
Red wire – RedLED element, SEM P4 - Module R
Green wire – RedLED element, SEM P5 - Module G
Blue wire – RedLED element, SEM P6 - Module B

This particular through-hole LED module has a current limiting resistor so no external resistor needed. The SMT RGB LED could also be used, but current-limiting resistors would be needed.

' Set direction for the pins to output

' Repeat forever
  ' Set each pin high, then low with delays
  PAUSE 200 : PIN(4) = 1 : PAUSE 200 : PIN(4) = 0
  PAUSE 200 : PIN(5) = 1 : PAUSE 200 : PIN(5) = 0
  PAUSE 200 : PIN(6) = 1 : PAUSE 200 : PIN(6) = 0

Code: RGB module test code in MMBasic to blink each LED color.


module test results

Image: Animated .gif
Linked file: 20190322_213036.gif

r = 1
g = 1
b = 100

PWM 11000, r, g, b
PAUSE 5000

  for r = 0 to 99 STEP 2
    PWM 11000, r, g, b
    PAUSE 10
  NEXT r
  PAUSE 5000
  for b = 100 to 1 STEP -2
    PWM 11000, r, g, b
    PAUSE 10
  NEXT b

  PAUSE 5000
  for g = 0 to 99 STEP 2
    PWM 11000, r, g, b
    PAUSE 10
  NEXT g

  PAUSE 5000
  for r = 100 to 1 STEP -2
    PWM 11000, r, g, b
    PAUSE 10
  NEXT r

  PAUSE 5000
  for b = 0 to 99 STEP 2
    PWM 11000, r, g, b
    PAUSE 10
  NEXT b

  PAUSE 5000
  for g = 100 to 1 STEP -2
    PWM 11000, r, g, b
    PAUSE 10
  NEXT g

  PAUSE 5000

Code: RGB module test code in MMBasic using PWM

This test code uses PWM to slowly increase/decrease the output of the R, G, and B channels in patterns. There are 5 second delays between the changes.

The PWM outputs can be run through a solid state relay (see relay page) or a FET to drive 5V or 12V RGB LED strips.

On Instructables: https://www.instructables.com/id/Using-RGB-LED-From-37-Sensors-Kit/




module test

This test is set up with the U401 to blink the red, green, and blue elements of the RGB LED. The USBmicro U401 connects to a computer using USB and can be controlled in several languages running on the computer. The PC controls the U401.

Image: U401 and RGB module test wiring.

Black wire – Common ground, U4xx Ground
Red wire – RedLED element, U4xx A0 - Module R
Green wire – RedLED element, U4xx A1 - Module G
Blue wire – RedLED element, U4xx A2 - Module B


Dim workstr As String * 255
Dim result As Integer

DIm PortAval as byte

'thinAir Visual Designer

'---Needed thinBasic modules

'---Controls IDs---
Begin ControlID
End ControlID

' Public this
DIM hDlg     As Long

' Main thinBasic function
Function TBMain() As Long
End Function

' Create main Window
Function MainWindow_Create(ByVal hParent As Long) As Long

'Local hDlg     As Long
Local hFont    As Long
Local lStyle   As Long
Local lStyleEx As Long
lStyle = _                          
        %WS_DLGFRAME          | _   
        %WS_CAPTION           | _   
        %WS_SYSMENU           | _   
        %WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW  | _   
        %WS_CLIPCHILDREN      | _   
        %WS_CLIPSIBLINGS      | _   
lStyleEx = 0                        

Dialog New Pixels, hParent, "RGB1", -1, -1463240, lStyle, lStyleEx, TO hDlg

hFont = Font_Create("MS Sans Serif"8)
Dialog Send hDlg, %WM_SETFONT, hFont, 0


  ' Display DLL info
  workstr = ""
  CONTROL APPEND TEXT hDlg, %IDC_EDIT_2"DLL Info: " + workstr
  workstr = ""
  CONTROL APPEND TEXT hDlg, %IDC_EDIT_2"DLL Ver: " + workstr
  workstr = ""
  CONTROL APPEND TEXT hDlg, %IDC_EDIT_2"DLL Copyright: " + workstr

  result = USBm_NumberOfDevices()
  CONTROL APPEND TEXT hDlg, %IDC_EDIT_2"Number of devices: " + STR$(result)

  PortAval = 0

Dialog Show Modal hDlg, CALL MainWindow_Proc

Win_DeleteObject hFont

End Function

' Main WIndow CallBack handler
CallBack Function MainWindow_Proc() As Long


LOCAL PageNo   AS LONG     

LOCAL hFontTab AS LONG    
  Local RedState as long
  Local GreenState as long
  Local BlueState as long


            CASE %IDOK
            CASE %IDCANCEL
        END SELECT

        If RedState = 1 then
          PortAval = BIT_Set(PortAval, 0)
          PortAval = BIT_reSet(PortAval, 0)
        If GreenState = 1 then
          PortAval = BIT_Set(PortAval, 1)
          PortAval = BIT_reSet(PortAval, 1)
        If BlueState = 1 then
          PortAval = BIT_Set(PortAval, 2)
          PortAval = BIT_reSet(PortAval, 2)

End Select
End Function

Code: RGB module test code in thinBasic

This test code sets port A to output, then sets pins A0 (red), A1 (green), and A2 (blue) high or low to turn the color element on and off based on clicking the controls.

Image: RGB1.tBasic screen

Image: Test result video
Linked file: NVECapture.0002.mpg

If you have more information about certain modules, please feel free to Contact us! and share what you know. If you also have test or application code to share, that link is the way to share that - we would appreciate your experiences and input a lot!

If you are interested in purchasing the unique devices that are shown on these pages,
CircuitGizmos (link: CircuitGizmosOnline) sells many of these devices. Also Tindie has several of the CircuitGizmos devices for sale.

If you have questions about sensor modules like these, consider joining the Facebook group.
Join the 37 Sensors FB Group! We'd love to see you there. If you are interested in the CircuitGizmos products, the FB page to join is CircuitGizmos on FB

Sometimes the 37 sensor projects are described as
Instructables. This is the Instructable user to follow: Indestructable and YouTube channel and even follow on Instagram. Link back to us, please! We really like learning how our products are used.

All content, not otherwise posted with a copyright notice, is Copyright 2017+ to the owner of 37sensors.com.